Friday, February 22, 2008


Episode 4 is now online, so check it out!

A HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE thanks to Ashley Bank for kicking so much ass and helping us out with this one!!! We vote Ashley for President in '08. At least the President of Rocktastic-ness if the White House is booked.

So we're going to get to work on Episode 5 right away, hopefully we'll have it up by Mid-March, as well as a special episode coming at choo soon as well.

So keep on tuning in!!! Thanks for watching!!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Episode 4 This Week!

That's right. We're back! Episode 4 is edited and in the can. We'll have it up on the website later this week (just in time for my birthday - yay!). Stay tuned. We're going to try and keep the ball rolling so expect fresh, new episodes in the coming months including a special, top secret episode.
